¿Cómo usar el verbo Haber?

¿Cómo usar el verbo Haber?

¡Hola a todos! El verbo HABER es un verbo impersonal que es usado en la tercera persona del singular. Veamos algunos ejemplos en diferentes tiempos gramaticales:

1. Hay: There is, There are. Se usa para hablar sobre la existencia de cosas, personas, animales u objetos.

It is used to talk about the existence of things, people, animals, or objects.

  • Hay una jarra de agua aqui. There is a jug of water here.
  • Hay tres botellas de agua aquí. There are three bottles of water here.
  • Hay tres arboles afuera de mi casa. There are three trees outside my house.
  • Hay un marcador aquí. There is a marker here.
  • Hay cuatro marcadores sobre la mesa. There are four markers on the table.
  • Hay unos huevos en la cocina. There are some eggs in the kitchen.
  • No hay mucha gente en Colombia que hable Ingles. There are not many people in Colombia who speak English.
  • Siempre hay muchas personas en el gimnasio durante el día. There are always a lot of people in the gym during the day.
  • No hay mucha gente visitando Nueva York durante el invierno. Not many people visit New York during the winter.

2. Hubo: There was, There were. Se usa con las cosas que pasaron una vez en un momento específico.

It is used when we talk about something that continuously existed in the past.

  • Hubo una tormenta muy fuerte anoche. There was a very strong storm last night.
  • Hubo un accidente hace dos horas. There was an accident two hours ago.
  • Hubo tres conciertos el mes pasado. There were three concerts last month.
  • Hubo muchas protestas la semana pasada. There were many protests last week.
  • Anoche hubo un accidente a causa de la lluvia. Last night there was an accident because of the rain.
  • Anteayer hubo una pelea en el bar. The day before yesterday there was a fight in the bar.
  • El mes pasado hubo un huracán que destruyó toda la costa norte. Last month there was a hurricane that destroyed the entire north coast.
  • Ayer hubo una tormenta que no me dejó dormir. Yesterday there was a storm that did not let me sleep.
  • No hubo problemas para entrar al concierto. There were no problems getting into the concert.

3. Había: There was, There were. Se usa cuando hablamos de algo que continuamente existía en el pasado.

It is used when we talk about something that continuously existed in the past.

  • En mi escuela había una biblioteca muy grande. In my school there was a very large library.
  • No había naranjas en la tienda. There were no oranges in the store.
  • Había mucho tráfico porque hubo un accidente. There was a lot of traffic because there was an accident.
  • No pudimos almorzar en el restaurante porque había mucha gente. We couldn’t have lunch in the restaurant because there were a lot of people.
  • Esa noche fue mágica porque había luna llena. There was so much wind that I did not go to the beach.
  • Había mucho viento que no fui a la playa. There was so much wind that I did not go to the beach.
  • No había mucha gente en el banco. There weren’t many people in the bank.
  • En casa de mi abuela, siempre habían muchos dulces. At my grandmother’s house, there were always lots of sweets.
  • Antes habían muchas olas en el mar pero ahora es muy raro tenerlas. Before there were many waves in the sea but now it is very rare to have them.
Picture of Loraine Pertuz

Loraine Pertuz

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Picture of Loraine Pertuz

Loraine Pertuz

A Spanish teacher and I’m Colombian who is here to share knowledge and meet all people around the world with different interests.


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